Sunday, February 6, 2011

She's Baaaaaack

This is what's happenin now....

   This bitch, the false baby momma, this shitty excuse for a shitty excuse of a demented sack of pyscho has finagled her way back into my sights, and its disturbing. I get a text at 1;30 in the a.m. askin who i am, and wonderin why my number is in her phone. Told me her name was Shanna, told her i didn't kno a Shanna..   The next day she apologizes (via text) told me to check out her FB, we exchanged texts most of the day, at the end of the day, I call her, and within seconds of bein on the phone, I can tell it's her... It's her, it's her there is no doubt that right then n there that its FUCKIN her.
  Look.... I don't understand crazy... I'm missing the point to any of this. She doesn't gain anything, she's just fuckin with me, or at least she's thinkin she is. Another thing, why answer the fuckin phone. If you spent more than a few days with sum1, laugh with sum1, sex it with sum1, yu tend to kno what they sound like on the phone. So I let a day go by, tap a dependable source of mine, find a few things out, acquire the right tool, formulate a plan.... and execute!! And yu kno what?! It worked.....flawlessly.
    The source?? My Homeslyce ;) The tool??! Fake caller ID app :)  The plan?!! Just hear her say her name. The bonus??! Serve up a slight dose destruction in her life... I mean.... alls fair when it comes to crazy.....

   I have a select few of true friends in my life. Two or three guys, and maybe 3 females... and one of em came thru for me without me havin to ask. :) We called her, my friend (a female)  asked about Joey's girlfriend, and Brittany's guard was nowhere to be found. All she cld think about is why this chick is callin me, tellin me that she has been fuckin my man for two weeks!??!?!
  At one point Brittany had asked my friend  if they were together this past weekend ;) but fuck her.... for everything she has put me thru.

   Funny thing she is still texting me as Shanna. I don't kno how much longer I'll let this go on... I won't ride it for to much longer tho.... It's pathetic, and now that I kno the truth.... I pity her.

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