Sunday, December 5, 2010

no closure

today i found her on fb, i had to drag an explanation out of her, she told me that she went to the er for may or may not having pneumonia, but the way she told the story didnt make sense, i really wished i wlda saved the convo, she said the dr asked if she knew she was pregnant, and asked if she had been to the dr. she said that she was gonna go in the morning......why wld she say that when she was scheduled to go that day????? I know its all a lie, and i ended it with me sayin that I'm sick of fucking games. She deleted me, and blocked me, next I'm gonna hear how she lost it, or aborted it, but I won't believe that either.. This is a dangerous game, but I'm at least a decent guy, I'm not gonna do anything, I wanted to go to her fam's house and maybe reach out to her mom, but at this point it doesnt matter, I can't fuckin believe some people...
   I think that we all want some kind of closure. I kno that even after realizing the possibilities of the good and bad outcome or answer, i still seek it. But this time I won't get any closure. She played me just the way she wanted to. She created drama....included me in it, pulled me into it..... then maybe realized that i wasn't an idiot, and then made it real easy for me to walk away from it instead of just being a fuckin adult and owning up to stirring shit up.....
    You're fuckin pathetic little girl, I'm not gonna waste my time, effort, emotions, or thoughts on you anymore... You set me up, had me at the top of the world for just an instant, and then tore it out from under me... You'll get yours, I'm sure of it, but it won't be from me... Rot in hell you fuckin bitch

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